Peripheral nervous system
Check out our free 3D presentation of peripheral and central nervous system in high quality with Unity3D plugin here (go to nervous system section) or in lower quality but no additional plugins required here. Very easy to visualize how central nervous system is connected to organs and limbs through peripheral nervous system. Learn about brain sections and much more!

3 thoughts on “Peripheral nervous system”
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when will this be added to the program?
Dear sir, madam,
Since december last year, I’m using Anatronica Pro on my laptop for work purposes (I’m a physical therapist). And it’s great.
I get a lot of compliments about the visualisation of all kinds of body parts (the compliments go to you!).
I’m using this program for four months now and I have some questions:
But, when entering the nervous system, I noticed something possibly wrong:
The suprascapularis nerve origins from the superior part of the brachial plexus, and travels through the scapular notch. Henche one of the common complaints with shoulder injury: suprascapularis nerve lesions.
In Anatronica, this nerve travels past the supraspinous fossa. I believe this is not correct!
Last I would like to ask you, if it is possible to make an additional system (like the muscular of nervous system) with general/common injuries, like arthrosis, degenerative cartilage, sprained tendons, fractured bones, ruptured muscles.
Maybe starting of with one part (eg. shoulder?) at a time?
I very curious what is possible. Hope to hear from you.
Best regards,
Dick Bruin
Physical-/manual therapist
Thanks for you comment! We will investigate this issue and get back to you. We are planning lots of things but we are currently limited with time and resources!